Wednesday 19 July 2017

Of Mixers & Men

I finally plucked up the courage to make the panel for the expanded MFOS Stereo Mixer. Now All I need to do is wire it up and figure out the modifications I started. This is a 6U (x5U) beast, it's going to take forever...

Incidentally, I'm pretty sure that in terms of modules I've ever owned, this is module 200

Sunday 9 July 2017

Saturday 8 July 2017

It Begins...

I finished setting up my second PG52B. Well it's actually my third, but that's a long story. The PG52 system is pretty close in many respects to a traditional modular synthesiser. I bought my first one years before I started building my 5U modular. You could say that the PG52B kicked all that off...

Thursday 6 July 2017


The Patch Buddy
(also available in 5U Black)

Coming Soon: 1/8" Euro version in a dizzying array of colours

Sunday 2 July 2017

Them's Yer Onions

Now my Senshyu Onions are pretty much dry I was trying to plait them. Help arrived in the shape of Eccles. I finished the plait later...